Contact – National Nosh Network

If you would like to get hold of us, please complete the contact form detailed below.

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Due to an unbelievable amount of spam, I have removed my phone number and email address from this page. The form below is however monitored daily, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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8 thoughts on “Contact – National Nosh Network”

  1. Hey Jo,
    Thanks for all the interesting recipes on Nationalnoshnet!

    So great to be able to expand my repertoire of recipes, and have some background about each dish!

  2. I’d much rather try some of your fare, but coffee on Tuesday sounds great!

    I’d love to hear more about this project! 😋

  3. Hello Jo
    I think we may have met on the island of Madura at a hostel in Pamekasan…perhaps you remember? We discussed food and swapped a few recipes, and you told me you were based in South Africa, but travelling the world!
    Really good to see this website – hope it is you – and would love to pop in for coffee sometime… 😉
    Stay safe, man!

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